Since our inception in 1983, we have introduced new concepts when it comes to waterproofing.

Finflex Elastomeric System, a homegrown product of SPECSERV Inc.

Back in the 70s, hot-applied asphalt which was generally a failure, was widely used for all areas in a building, and we felt the need to introduce something new.

In the 80s, we introduced two new concepts, such as the negative application of waterproofing in underground structures with the use of the Crystallization Process, and the use of cementitious flexible waterproofing systems for above-ground and suspended structures, such as pools and water reservoirs.

Moving forward, SPECSERV Inc. introduced the Multi-System Method (MMS) when the One System Cure All for waterproofing was being specified for building projects. 

Our first project using this method? Ayala Tower 1 and Park, specified by LVLP Architects. Enduring the tests of time, this system is still being implemented today.

When the 90’s came around, SPECSERV Inc. was again at the forefront, this time, introducing the use of the Vertical Aesthetic Waterproofing for Walls. Sealflex is an elastomeric waterproofing system that comes in various attractive colors, with made-to-order colors welcome for large projects.


Roof Gardens